How to Donate
Your donation helps us to fund our ongoing development programmes and projects in education, social welfare and health.
We have a number of online platforms which we are registered with, and you can visit any of these pages to make a donation online or set up a profile in order to fundraise for an event you are doing.
You can send a cheque along with our ‘Moving Mountains donation’ form, along with the completed gift aid form if you are a UK tax payer to:
Moving Mountains Trust
PO Box 14
Northern Ireland
BT55 7AG
You can set up a Standing Order by completing the Moving Mountains UK Standing Order form and presenting it to your bank (though please do make a copy and post or email it to us along with the completed gift aid form if you are a UK tax payer.
Even if you set up the standing order through your online banking we would still appreciate receiving a completed copy of the gift aid form which allows us to claim an extra £0.25 for every £1 donated.
With Payroll Giving donations are deducted from your gross pay (before tax) and a great way of giving regular donations and paying less. For example if you pledge £10.00 then the amount deducted from your gross pay is £7.80. Moving Mountains still receives the £10.00. It is tax effective as well as a sustainable source of income for the charity, enabling us to plan ahead. Please do contact us if you think your company might be interested in doing this.
You can use your will to help us move mountains for many disadvantaged people and communities. Leave the promise of a better future and leave communities better equipped with the skills they need to prepare for the challenges of the next generation. You can determine what your legacy is for, be it a building project like an irrigation system or clinic, or for the long-term education of some of our beneficiaries to get a university degree or college certificate.
A lot of people like to donate things to charity, but we would like to adopt a more structured approach to this generosity, and make sure that what people bring out is relevant to the needs of individuals or communities. We also have quite strict policies on people handing out free gifts to children, which can create unfortunate stereotypes. Apart from the obvious birthdays and Christmases, we try to make sure that gifts are earned or given on merit or for good behaviour.
Like any good ‘parent’, we don’t want to spoil children, neither do we want them to miss out on the joy of receiving something.We have a very diverse range of people we help and work with, and our programmes need all sorts of ‘things’ to help them work effectively. Please contact us and ask if you can help by bringing out something useful and of value.
You can really help our work by sponsoring one of our teachers or social workers or project managers in Kenya or in Nepal. These are the unsung heroes of our work, who educate the children day after day and need both support and encouragement. Some of them walk for hours to get to the school on time and are motivated by a desire to help develop the youth. By supporting a teacher, you would be helping us achieve one of our biggest aims in Moving Mountains by providing education at primary, secondary and tertiary level.
Sponsoring a student through regular donations goes to the heart of what we try to achieve at Moving Mountains. Our big difference is that we don’t stop assisting with education once the child reaches a certain level or age at school. We feel that to provide financial assistance to primary level is just the start of a long journey. Our commitment extends through the expensive secondary school years and, if appropriate, into the even more expensive tertiary years at university or college.
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